If you do not have good protection on your website, Documents can easily get lost. Some of those files might be saved on your computer and easily replaceable, but what about the rest of them? If you lose them the first time, where are you going to get them from again? Especially secure your wordpress website is vital. Often sites have a good deal of data and have created a large number of documents. Recreating that all are a nightmare, and not something any business owner wants to do.
Hackers don't have the capability when you got all these lined up for your security to come to your WordPress blog. You can have a safe WordPress account which provides you big bucks from affiliate marketing.
Exclude pages - This plugin adds a checkbox,"include this page in menus", which is checked by default. If you uncheck it, the page will not appear in any listings of webpages (which includes, and is view it now ordinarily restricted to, your page navigation menus).
Whitelists phrases and black based on which field they look inside. (unknown/numeric parameters vs. known article bodies, comment bodies, etc.).
However, I recommend that you install the Login LockDown plugin instead of any.htaccess controls. Login requests will stop from being allowed after three unsuccessful login attempts from a certain IP address for an hour. You may get into your panel while away from your office, and yet you still have good protection against hackers, if you do that.